Contemplating on Chair in my Room

by paulkivelson

I spent an hour sitting in my chair just staring up at the ceiling. I found for the first 5 minutes thinking  about all the deep thing I must be learning from my quite contemplation. Then I checked the clock.  For the next ten minutes I looked up at the ceiling I just got more and more bored, until I checked the clock again. Then my started to wander and I found thoughts drifting all over the place. After the point of extreme boredom you find your own way to keep your mind occupied. The thoughts I had were not super deep they where in truth very one dimensional and mostly about what it would be like if I could teleport.

As I was coming out of my musings I had a thought about improv. The best mode to be in for an improv performance is that space after boredom where your mind is  nimble and able to freely wanders. The question then becomes how to get in that mental state without being incredibly bored for a while and a lot repeatedly looking at the clock. I guess that is why you take improv class so you can learn to go through all the stages of ceiling observation quickly.