Give as much as you Take

by jloftus1189

I think the readings for this week are very applicable to any relationship that you would like to see grow. Whether it be a life long relationship like a best friend or a marriage, or a two-minute relationship between you and your partner during an improv exercise, if you want the relationship to be fruitful and enjoyable, you’re going to have to let your partner influence you.

We all have our own opinions and beliefs, and that’s fine, but one of the beautiful things about a relationship with another human being, is you get to have these opinions and beliefs challenged. If, say, you and your partner are given the topic of flying an airplane in a short improv skit, and your initial opinion of how to start the scene is to merely turn on the engines and fly away, you might be taken aback when your partner takes control of the scene by running through the mandatory checklist every pilot goes through before taking off (especially if your partner actually has flying experience).

The point is to honor and respect the person you are developing a relationship with, to treat their opinions and beliefs as equal to your own, and to make an effort to give in to the other person’s will just as much as you take.

